Engineered for the new era of power skaters, the lower portion of the Supreme Shadow skate uses stiffer materials for increased energy creation, while the upper portion uses a more flexible and material to maximize range of motion for game-breaking deception.
What's Included
Standard Eyelets
Traditional facing secures wrap of the foot while allowing range of motion in the ankle.
Lock-Fit Pro Liner
Grip, durability, and moisture management for optimal performance.
Powerfly Holder
Our newest innovation in holder technology offers a stiff front post combined with a flexible back post for enhanced control and maneuverability on the ice.
Fly-TI Blade
Highest grade steel core with Titanium coating reinforces edges for excellent edge retention keeping you sharp longer.
Select Color
Select from Bauer's retail or premium colors.
Color Options:
Retail (Black)
Select Size
Select sizes for you left and right foot independently. The size difference between each foot can be 1/2 size up or down from the first foot you select.
How it works?
If you select "10.0" for your Left Foot first, you'll be able to select "9.5" to "10.5" for your Right Foot.
Select Fit
Select from three different Fit Options.
Fit Options:
Fit 1 (Small Volume + Small Width)
Fit 2 (Medium Volume + Medium Width)
Fit 3 (Large Volume + Large Width)
Select Tongue
The Shadow family of skates offers three options for tongues.
Tongue Options:
SHADOW POWERCOIL - Lightweight foam construction with comfort edge and spring like response and flex
CLASSIC FELT - Middleweight foam construction with mid comfort edge and spring like response and flex
MOLDED FELT - Largeweight foam construction with ultra comfort edge and spring like response and flex
Add Personalization
The Shadow family of skates offers personalization options that appear on the tongue of the skate. Personalized Text and a Player Number can be added to make the skate unique to you.